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Gems Power

Throughout history and legend, people from all cultures and continents have used the spiritual and healing powers of gems and crystals. From as far back as the days of the legendary lost city of Atlantis, through the ancient Mayan and Hebrew civilizations, and including Far Eastern and Native American cultures, crystals and gemstones have been used for religious purposes as well as communion, physical and spiritual healing, the power of gems and crystals is intertwined with the history of mankind.

It is widely believed that gems & crystals act as amplifiers when brought into contact with the human body’s seven-chakra points. Rotating at different speeds, these chakra points release energies, imparting the body with its precious life forces. While your chakras can become clogged from stress or anxiety, using gems or crystals in accordance with meditation or bodywork is thought to help balance these energy points, promoting health, happiness and well being.

While it is not recommended that gems or crystals be used in place of modern medical treatment, many people find that the use of healing gems improves their overall well being, encouraging a more positive outlook and a generally healthier visage.

Gems or crystals can be used interchangeably for healing purposes. They are commonly chosen to aid specific ailments but many people find that they don’t choose their gem or crystal, it chooses them. While casually perusing gems and crystals you may find that a particular item draws you to it. Follow your instincts. Your body needs all 7 color rays: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet; and you may unconsciously be drawn to the gems or crystals that are most appropriate for you. Alternatively, you may choose a gem or crystal that relates to one of your energy centers or chakras that is in need of clearing, balancing or enhancing.

How do crystals work? No one seems to know for sure. Tales tell that they were first used in Atlantis. Crystals became important to the people of that civilization who believed in their capacity to store and amplify any power source fed into them - physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual. Practitioners of modern-day crystal therapy believe that the stones' ability to work as conductors allow them to focus energy via a person's thoughts to stimulate healing - both physical and non-physical.

However, in addition to medical controversy as to their efficacy, the use of crystals for healing is not an exact science. There is plenty of information available to describe which crystals and gemstones are good for treating certain ailments or for the prevention of certain conditions. The problem is that much of it appears contradictory.

Still, thousands of people world-wide swear by the use of crystals for a variety of mental, emotional, and physical problems. There are numerous claims that they aid such in diverse areas as harmonious relationships, allergies, and spiritual awakening.

Crystals are used in meditation and spiritual ceremonies, laid on the body during types of massage or bodywork, when a person is resting, or placed in drinking or bathing waters. It is claimed that an odd number of facets on the stone aid in healing, while an even number of facets create the best energizers. Red, yellow, and orange stones are said to produce energy, clear and aquamarine stones are healers, and lavender and blue-violet stones create calming effects.

Rudraksha mala is said to have many healing properties. Rudraksha is said to be rich with shakti and calms the kundalini, thus making it easier to rise. Rudraksha is said to open the heart chakra. They are good for meditation and protection. Legend says that Siva awoke after a thousand years of meditation and began to shed tears of worldly compassion. These tears crystallized into seeds and there grew the first Rudraksha tree.

Rudraksha have been worn since times immemorial due to properties of the specific beads of different facets. They have no negative effects of any kind and are not dependent on planets the way gems are. Modern astrologers consider that rudraksha pacify planets .There is nO wrong combination, and no side effect of any kind, so one needs to go ahead and select his own rudraksha. These facts can be verified by reading our ancients texts that state that all rudraksha may be worn by all irrespective of caste, sex and religion.

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